Postoperative Care

Trauma Care

Diabetes | Off-loading and Wound Care

Plantar Fasciitis Products

Ankle Supports

Pediatric Products

Diagnostic Products

States in alphabetical order:

Delhi NCR
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Overview of all new videos Movies Orthopaedic Devices, Orthopedic Shoes - Preventive Care, Postoperative Care, Diabetes and Woundcare, etc
Product Catalogue
Product Catalogue: Preventive, Postoperative, Off-loading, Wound Care

Devices, Foot and Ankle Products"
(PDF, 6,3 mb)

Orthopaedic shoes, Footcare products, India - DARCO 35th anniversary Preventive, Postoperative, Diabetes, Off-loading, Wound Care. DARCO is facing India

Off-loading Shoe

Use after surgeries to correct hallux valgus, hammer toes / Tailor's bunions

Shoe after surgeries to correct hallux valgus, hammer toes and Tailor's bunions

Use after surgeries to correct hallux valgus, hammer toes / Tailor's bunions

Treatment of diabetic ulcerations

5 Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL

right and left fit

Pressure measurement OrthoWedge® Off-loading Shoe
F-Scan Orthowedge F-Scan Orthowedge F-Scan Orthowedge with PegAssist
Regular OrthoWedge® OrthoWedge®
+ PegAssist™
to increase view please click at the scans

The OrthoWedge® Off-loading Shoe is specifically designed to protect the forefoot by removing most of the pressure from the metatarsal head and digits during the weight-bearing portion of the gait cycle. For modification the insole can be taken out. The patented construction of the wedge obtains an off-loading mechanism (TPR-sole). The weight is noticeably reduced at the forefoot. Hook and loop straps make opening easy and allow a comfortable fitting.

Visit our product demonstration video:

Further Information:

Download Flyer: "OrthoWedge® - Effective Off-loading Footwear" (PDF)
Download: User Manual OrthWedge™ Off-loading Shoe (PDF)
Download: DARCO Product Catalogue "Orthopaedic Devices, Foot and Ankle Products" (PDF)
Your direct Contact at DARCO Medical India

Compatible with:

TwinShoe Balance Shoe
for height adjustment

PegAssist™ Insole Off-loading Insoles
for selective off-loading
Body Armor Toe Guard optional available Body Armor® Toe Guard optional available

Do you need further information?

DARCO India - Our new websites

The intention of our internet appearance is to offer you an accurate picture of the scope, character and quality of our product range: DARCO offers a full product line of footwear specifically designed to control plantar pressure after surgery or in cases where wounds or diabetic ulcers are present on the foot.

DARCO products are available in the following product groups: Postoperative Care, Trauma Care, Diabetes | Off-loading & Wound Care, Plantar Fasciitis Products, Ankle Supports, Pediatric Care and Diagnostic Products. For further information e.g. catalogues, flyers or instructions for use please visit our rubric "Downloads".

Are you a patient?
Please approach our distributors in India.

Are you a professional health care provider?
Please send a E-mail: Or call us at: +91 8362747446

In every case, we are looking forward to answering your questions!